you're want to buy Wood Magic Cube Puzzle,yes ..! you comes at the right place. you can get special discount for Wood Magic Cube Puzzle.You can choose to buy a product and Wood Magic Cube Puzzle at the Best Price Online with Secure Transaction Here...
Product Features
One of the Classic Mind Teasers,
You will get 1 puzzle.
Simple Game: Undo the puzzle and then get it back into a block
Makes a great stress reliever-Definitely a challenging puzzle
Fun puzzle that will keep you busy for hours
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Product Description
This is for a Wooden Snake Puzzle. These are all brand new, never used, and in retail ready packaging. The Wooden Snake Puzzle is definitely a challenging puzzle. The object of the game is simple: undo the puzzle and then get it back into a block. It sounds easy, but guess again. The good news is that the Wooden Snake Puzzle also makes a great stress reliever, so you can release a little tension while trying to solve it. Study the block in the package carefully before opening and undoing the puzzle. The trick to solving the Wooden Snake Puzzle is patience, lots and lots of patience. It's a fun puzzle that will keep you busy for hours. It measures at 2" x 2" x 2". Great buy for teachers, homes, and waiting rooms...
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Judul: Wood Magic Cube Puzzle best offers
Kategori: deal
Kategori: deal
Ricky Pesiwarissa, On Tuesday, March 6, 2012
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