ShengEn (Sheng En) FII F2 3x3 Speed Cube White top price

Ricky Pesiwarissa

you're want to buy ShengEn (Sheng En) FII F2 3x3 Speed Cube White,yes ..! you comes at the right place. you can get special discount for ShengEn (Sheng En) FII F2 3x3 Speed Cube White.You can choose to buy a product and ShengEn (Sheng En) FII F2 3x3 Speed Cube White at the Best Price Online with Secure Transaction Here...

  Product Features
Pre-Lubricated, Rarely Pops. Very Good speed cube
Sealed package in box with extra set of sticker.

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  Product Description
The ShengEn FII is one of the most popular competition speed 3x3x3 cube in the world. Also known as Type-F II, F-II or F2 the cube uses slightly rounded cubies and edges to reduce friction in the cube that provide smooth turning and a delicate feel. Under correct tension, the cube not only has excellent forward edge corning without popping, it also has amazing reverse cornering. Some customer report the cap may come off. If it happens, you can put a little glue under the cap and it won't impact the use of the cube.

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Judul: ShengEn (Sheng En) FII F2 3x3 Speed Cube White top price
By: Ricky Pesiwarissa, On Sunday, November 13, 2011

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